Use Us With Confidence
On November 5th 2018, BRANZ released their appraisal of our entire range of uPVC doors and windows. They gave it a big thumbs up.
What Does This?
It means that our joinery meets relevant NZ building codes.
Eco Doors and Windows’ joinery begins life as an extrusion at Aluplast’s plant in Karlsruhe, Germany and then is fabricated in Auckland to Aluplast’s engineering standards. The extrusions are coded so the authenticity can be tracked by BRANZ.
BRANZ confirmed what we already knew: our uPVC joinery is some of the best on the NZ market and, better still, it complies with all relevant standards.
Who Are BRANZ?
BRANZ = Building Research Association New Zealand
BRANZ is an independent and impartial government supported organisation that is vital for upholding standards in New Zealand’s building industry. Their job is to test and verify building materials and products used in New Zealand that are submitted to them.
Their testing applies to uPVC joinery supplied by Eco Doors & Windows with the brand name Aluplast adhered to it, identified by its time stamped product code. Very few uPVC products have BRANZ appraisal in New Zealand.
Why Is an Appraisal Important for Eco Doors & Windows?
It provides legitimacy and transparency.
Anyone can read the report – in fact, it’s linked here – so customers, builders, and industry members can access the nitty-gritty of building code compliance, R-values, and technical information.
A significant part of our business relies on architects recommending our uPVC products to their clients to use in their homes, and architects regularly make use of BRANZ Appraisals to ensure they are informed. The Appraisal is essentially a condensed database of all the relevant information on our product range. Instead of trawling through the NZ Building Code to manually check if the product is up to standard, everything anyone needs to know is collected in this one document.