Stacking Sliding Windows

uPVC Windows

Stacking sliding windows are larger in size than a standard sliding window and provide more glass space than other options. These are made from high-quality uPVC and offer a versatile function to all types of properties. 


The stacking sliding window has three panels instead of the two that many of us may be used to. These can be manufactured in many different ways to give you the solution you are looking for: either one panel is fixed while the other two slide or all three slide and stack. This option is an excellent choice for spaces where you would like to connect to the outdoors and eliminate any obstruction.


The stacking sliding window has a multi-point locking system to keep your home safe and secure. A quality double rubber seal eliminates cold air from coming in and creates an eco-efficient home. They are, however, still simple and easy to operate.


For more information about our stacking sliding windows or any other uPVC joinery product, get in touch with the Eco Doors & Windows team. We would love to discuss your needs and find the best solution for your renovation, new build or retrofit!

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